Casino heist vault explosives glitch
That is it for now. We hope this guide helps you fix the black screen glitch during the diamond casino heist in GTA online.
New online casinos to play for real money
If you liked this guide, do remember to check out our other windows guides, gaming guides, social media guides, iphone guides, and android guides to read more. If you have any queries or suggestions, comment down with your name along with the email ID, and we will reply shortly. Also, subscribe to our youtube channel to watch awesome videos on gaming and smartphone tips and tricks. Thank you. Following high demand by the fan community, rockstar finally introduced the diamond casino heist in GTA online on the 12 th of december, 2019. Ever since, it has gone on to achieve immense popularity amid all other missions in the game. This is mainly because of the handsome rewards you obtain upon completing it. Unfortunately, quite a few players have faced technical issues – including an infamous “black screen glitch” – when preparing to loot the diamond casino.
GTA online: how to fix black screen casino heist glitch
Following high demand by the fan community, rockstar finally introduced the diamond casino heist in GTA online on the 12 th of december, 2019. Ever since, it has gone on to achieve immense popularity amid all other missions in the game. This is mainly because of the handsome rewards you obtain upon completing it. Unfortunately, quite a few players have faced technical issues – including an infamous “black screen glitch” – when preparing to loot the diamond casino.
This significantly hindered their progress, and occasionally even led to them failing to carry out the heist successfully. If you are one of those facing this issue, you need not worry. We have come up with a guide to help you fix the black screen glitch during the diamond casino heist in GTA online.
Fixing the black screen glitch during the diamond casino heist in GTA online
Similar to the other heists in GTA online, you will have to finish a group of prep missions before being able to participate in the actual casino heist itself. These missions are pretty simple, but some players have been experiencing problems when going through them. One of these issues is a weird bug, which causes a significant delay when attempting to launch a prep mission. This results in the player facing a black screen in certain missions, like “vault explosives.”
Courtesy of GTA player u/yourhighuncle, we now have a neat little method of fixing the black screen glitch. This will allow you to land directly in the action part of the mission. For this fix, simply follow the steps given below:
- Disconnect your playstation 4 or xbox controller, or keyboard in case you are playing the game on PC.
- Wait for a few moments, and then reconnect your keyboard or controller to your device.
- Hold on for a few more moments, and you should directly enter the diamond casino heist mission. This will allow you to bypass the bug that had been causing the black screen glitch.
After following the instructions given above, you will be able to move through the prep missions without facing any significant problems. A trick very much like this one can also be used to bypass the extremely tedious loading times while beginning the game in GTA online.
That is it for now. We hope this guide helps you fix the black screen glitch during the diamond casino heist in GTA online. If you liked this guide, do remember to check out our other windows guides, gaming guides, social media guides, iphone guides, and android guides to read more. If you have any queries or suggestions, comment down with your name along with the email ID, and we will reply shortly. Also, subscribe to our youtube channel to watch awesome videos on gaming and smartphone tips and tricks. Thank you.
About anubhav roy
Anubhav roy is a computer science engineering student who has tremendous interest in the world of computer, android, and other things happening around the information and technology world. He is trained in machine learning, data science and is a programmer in python language with django framework.
GTA online glitch is making the casino heist impossible to complete
Rockstar games might want to look into a grand theft auto online glitch that is preventing players from successfully completing the diamond casino heist.
The game developers would have been delighted to see a record number of players flock to their online mode when the diamond casino and resort first opened in july last year, not to mention how many returned to steal it following the introduction of a special heist for the gambling venue.
With weekly content updates, GTA online players have even been given the opportunity to pick up diamonds in the rewards too, making it a highly lucrative opportunity for members of the community. However, after completing all of the steps to get to the final mission, some have found a bug in the actual heist that's stopping them from escaping with the loot.
Rockstar games GTA online players can make serious cash in the casino, but not when bugs are spoiling things.
The heist is broken up into different parts, which includes a few different routes to enter the vault where money, diamonds, and gold bars can be found. Some ways of getting inside are easier than others, although they all take time.
With that said, some are getting inside the vault, hacking their way into rooms to collect their takings, only to find that the door has slammed shut behind them. Clearly, this means that they are then unable to exit and ultimately die to the security system gas once the timer runs out.
This issue can be seen in a reddit post from 'itsnotvortex,' below. They asked: "anyone else had this glitch?" and a fair few responded, claiming to have experienced the same thing as well.
One user responded by claiming when this layout of loot appears, one cart room is usually bugged, while another stated that they had seen the bug only when completing the heist using an aggressive approach. Another joked that the casino might have stepped up their security efforts, but that's obviously not true.
Whether or not many players have been impacted by this problem is unclear, although it is clear that a handful – at least – have been left frustrated by it. After all, checking off all of those setup tasks and then not being able to complete the heist at the end isn't ideal. The heist itself could be worth up to $2,115,000, and even higher when diamonds are included in the loot.
Players will be hoping that rockstar rolls out a hotfix for the problem soon, hopefully before these diamonds leave the game.
Casino heist - maximum payout, vault time & contents, daily cash secret vault
This guide explains the maximum possible casino heist payout. Our walkthroughs to actually completing the heist itself can be found here: silent & sneaky, aggressive and big con approaches. Make sure you also read how to unlock avi schwartzman and scope all the access point and pois.
The vault you are looting in GTA online's diamond casino heist can contain anything from cash and artwork to gold, or even diamonds. The payout varies depending on which type of content you find. Cash is the most common loot, followed by artwork, gold and finally diamonds.
Maximum potential payouts & vault contents
The value of your heist haul and maximum potential payout increases as the rarity of the vault content increases. In table below we show you the maximum potential payout and take that you can expect for each type of vault content. The amounts listed are before lester's cut (which will be 5% of the total score), any take penalties (see 'avoid damage' below), paying your crew and of course splitting the remaining take with your fellow players (the casino heist finale is a 2-4 person heist).
Casino heist maximum payout table
vault contents | maximum potential payout |
cash | $2,115,000 |
artwork | $2,350,000 |
gold | $2,585,000 |
diamonds | $3,619,000 |
Note that the first time you do the heist you will always get cash, and on subsequent attempts you might get artwork, gold or diamonds. It's preferable to get artwork over cash not only because you earn more, but the paintings themselves are actually easier / faster to loot. As you can see in the table above, gold and finally diamonds are easily the most profitable types of loot though.
Loot type probability
vault loot | rarity / probability |
cash | very common |
artwork | somewhat common |
gold | rare |
diamonds | very rare / event driven |
Which loot you will receive is completely random, but some loot will appear more often than others. In fact, it correlates to the maximum potential payout of the loot types. So cash is most common, followed by artwork and so on through to diamonds. Note, however, that it appears rockstar has the ability to adjust the probability of getting a particular type of loot. For example, during the valentines day events of 2020, it was observed that obtaining diamonds (usually the rarest) became a lot more common/easy.
Approach hard mode
When doing the casino heist you cannot use the same approach twice in a row (it will be locked). However, you can return to a previous approach if you use a different approach in the meantime (like doing aggressive, then big con, then back to aggressive).
The red skull indicates that this approach will be done on "hard mode".
Plus, the approach you are repeating (aggressive in our example) will now have a red skull icon on it (as seen above) indicating that hard mode / higher difficulty will be activated if you proceed with that approach again. This means that the guards will be stronger, there will be more of them and their detection rate will be higher. There will also be six locks to destroy on the vault instead of the normal four, and two fingerprint hacks to do (instead of the regular one).
You do get a monetary bonus for all this added effort though - a 10% increase on the actual potential take versus "regular" difficulty! You can check out a video of us doing hard mode and looting diamonds here.
The hard mode prep board when looting diamonds using the big con approach
Avoid damage
There's also no guarantee that you will walk away with the exact amount stated in this guide because as you get into combat situations and take damage you will lose a small amount of money for every hit you take. The amount lost is between 0.12% - 0.26% of the total cash you are carrying at the time. In practice, this means about $2,000 lost per shot.
That's why we always recommend you choose either the big con approach or the silent & sneaky approach for maximum profit, even if they are bit daunting. The aggressive approach is fun and quick, but you risk losing quite a bit of your take due to amount of damage you will inevitably suffer.
Crew and lester's cuts
When calculating your final payout you also need to take your crew members' and lester's cuts into consideration. Lester will take 5% of the total amount and your crew (hacker, driver, etc) payments will vary depending on who you have chosen.
After that it is time for you and your heist-mates (the finale heist is for between 2 to 4 players) to split the percentages amongst yourselves. If two players carry out the heist then you can walk away anywhere between GTA$400,000 to GTA$800,000 each.
Looting diamonds
The ability to loot diamonds from the casino was actually locked when rockstar first released the diamond casino heist content. However, we then discovered that it was unlocked during the week of february 18, 2020 (i.E. For valentine's day).
It has now been confirmed that rockstar has the ability to turn diamonds loot on and off, and that they will enable it for certain events, promotions or other significant dates.
Looting diamonds lets you take the maximum possible payout from the diamond casino heist, which is $3.619 million. Once your support crew and lester's cut are taken out, the amount left for players is $2,714,250.
Vault time
Maximising the amount of time you get inside the vault is essential. Every second counts when it comes to looting it.
Whenever choosing the hacker for your heist we recommend that you always go for the best hackers available, which are paige harris and avi schwartzman. Paige is available by default and takes 9% of the cut. She gives you 3 minutes and 15 seconds in the vault. Avi takes 10% of the cut and gives you 3 minutes 30 seconds. We recommend avi as 15 seconds extra can really make a difference in your end payout.
Paige & avi on the prep board
The time it takes for the animations to play out while you're looting must be considered when working out the time you'll have to work in the vault. On top of that, if you're carrying out the casino heist using either the big con approach or the silent & sneaky approach you must leave the vault before the timer runs out if you want to exit undetected. So adding those extra 15 seconds with avi will allow you to loot the maximum possible content, increasing your final take.
Daily cash secret vault
During the heist you can also grab some extra cash from the secret vault, which is on the ground floor right next to the elevator. The switch to open up the secret vault door is in the CCTV room next to the elevator. You can expect somewhere between $50,000 to $100,000 to be in there. It will vary from heist to heist though.
The switch (circled in red) which opens the secret vault door (circled in green) the vault door (circled in green) containing daily cash grab
If you grab the cash from this secret vault you also get an award for doing so called the "daily cash grab", it gives you a 100 RP bonus too.
Overall heist cap limit
The cap on the maximum overall amount you can take in a single heist is GTA$3.619 million. This means that even if you somehow get more than that capped amount, it will be of no use since the maximum you will be able to walk away with is still just GTA$3.619 million. This max amount is possible when you loot diamonds only.
Gold bar glitch
There was a glitch (now patched) which would let you respawn gold bars after you had collected all but the last one. Once you were left with just one gold bar on the tray, you could just back out of the grabbing animation and start taking them again. Then when you were in the grabbing position again, the gold would respawn. The glitch only worked once per gold cart/tray.
By using this glitch some players were reportedly able to "get" up to $4-$5 million. However, even so, due to the aforementioned GTA$3.6 million cap, they still only took away that lower amount. This also means that any other "glitches" that supposedly let you grab more than $3.6 million are useless.
GTA 5 – top diamond-casino-heist mistakes (tips & tricks)
Here I will explain what are the most important steps in preparing the diamond-casino-heist and the heist itself.
1.) security pass 2. You should definitly steal this one because security pass 1 is completely useless and you have to do very difficult hacks (what wastes a lot of time) if you own only security pass 1 or none.
2.) duggans shipments. Destroy these 10 shipments as many as you can, too. Otherwise the heist will become very hard after they hit the alarm and without 4 players and heavy weapons you have no chance to get inside the vault and outside again. So destroy minimum 3 shipments, so the guards lose their bulletproof helmets, are “only” heavy armored and have heavy weapons like assault smg. Destroy 6, they wear light armor and medicore weapons like sweeper, shotguns and compact rifle. If you destroyed all 10, the guards have no armor and only have a pistol or a micro smg.
3.) patrol routes. Do this mission too, otherwise you cant see the guards on the map and it would be not so cool if a guard kills you from behind because you didnt see him or if you srew them up in a stealth approach.
4.) hacking. You cant avoid hacking in those 2 stealth approaches “silent & sneaky” and “the big con” and if you have done mistake 1.) you even have to hack in “aggressive”, because you will waste your thermal explosives on these small secuity doors in the casino instead on the doors in the vault. To train your hacking-skills you should buy the hacking console for 425,000$. It seems expensive but if you do the heist more than 1 time you earn many millions of dollars and you can get the money back. Moreover, if u fail the hack, it will hit the alarm and the heist will become more difficult and you have less time in the vault to grab the loot.
5.) cameras. Only important in stealth approaches like “silent & sneaky” and “the big con”. This prep mission is only avaiable if you own a casino-penthouse and did the 6 story missions as host. The result of the passed prep mission shows you the position of all security cameras and its field of vision in the casino. If u can’t do the mission, just be careful when you are walking around and take a look on the ceiling. If they see you or a dead guard, it will hit the alarm. You can destroy maximum 1 camera at the same time. Same with paralyzing them with the stun gun.
6.) location of your arcade. You should buy an arcade in the city. No way pixel pete’s in paleto bay or wonderama in grapseed. These are worst because you have to drive a lot around while doing the prep missions and wasting a lot of time. I bought the one in vinewood but I can recommend videogeddon in la mesa, too.
7.) heist crew. When you chose your crew for the heist, you should always chose the best avaiable hacker (paige harris or avi schwartzman). The better the hacker the more time you get to loot the vault. For paige you need to own the terrorbyte and for avi you have to destroy all jammers in san andreas.
As driver you can chose karim denz, he wants only 5% cut and chose the sentinel classic as getaway car. The gunner can be the cheapiest (5% cut) too, karl abolaji. Here it depends how many shipments you destroyed in “duggans shipments”. Even if you destroyed 9/10 shipments, the guards still have protective vests. So you should aim for the head (just like thor on thanos).
8.) stairs instead of elevator. You should use the stairs instead of the elevator, especially if you do a stealth approach. But still be careful in the stairs! There is a secuity camera and 1-4 guards, depending on which approach you chose.
9.) countdown in the vault. If you entered the vault without hitting the alarm…congratulations! Now you want to stay stealth. So don’t fail the hacks and leave the vault before the time is up. If you do the aggressive approach or already been exposed, you can ignore the countdown of cause. But dont stay too long in the gas!
10.) escape from the casino. Possibility 1: escape through the sewer. Exit the casino by the exit you chosed on your final planning board because there somewhere your driver placed the getaway vehicles. Or leave by the personnel entrance, run over the racetrack, then down and jump over the fence. Now you reached a road where the npcs are driving around. You can steal one of their cars and drive down in the sewer (you can find it in the south-east on the map). After you arrived in the sewer, there should be an entrance so drive inside and hide there from the cops.
Once the cops are gone, dont drive close to the casino or the police will hunting you again.
Possibility 2: helicopter. In the west, on the opposite of the casino there is a police station and on its roof there will spawn a helicopter. Dont use your getaway vehicles to drive there and the cops still must hunt you. Otherwise the helicopter wont spawn. Drive around the police station where you can climb on the roof then climb over the ventilation shafts to get to the top. I guess the helicopter-possibility is the only option to pass the elite challenge.
Whatever you do, get off the cops and drive to the buyer. As buyer you should chose the furthest away one, because you will get more money. By passing the elite challenge, each player will get a bonus of 100,000$ extra.
GTA online: how to fix black screen casino heist glitch
Following high demand by the fan community, rockstar finally introduced the diamond casino heist in GTA online on the 12 th of december, 2019. Ever since, it has gone on to achieve immense popularity amid all other missions in the game. This is mainly because of the handsome rewards you obtain upon completing it. Unfortunately, quite a few players have faced technical issues – including an infamous “black screen glitch” – when preparing to loot the diamond casino.
This significantly hindered their progress, and occasionally even led to them failing to carry out the heist successfully. If you are one of those facing this issue, you need not worry. We have come up with a guide to help you fix the black screen glitch during the diamond casino heist in GTA online.
Fixing the black screen glitch during the diamond casino heist in GTA online
Similar to the other heists in GTA online, you will have to finish a group of prep missions before being able to participate in the actual casino heist itself. These missions are pretty simple, but some players have been experiencing problems when going through them. One of these issues is a weird bug, which causes a significant delay when attempting to launch a prep mission. This results in the player facing a black screen in certain missions, like “vault explosives.”
Courtesy of GTA player u/yourhighuncle, we now have a neat little method of fixing the black screen glitch. This will allow you to land directly in the action part of the mission. For this fix, simply follow the steps given below:
- Disconnect your playstation 4 or xbox controller, or keyboard in case you are playing the game on PC.
- Wait for a few moments, and then reconnect your keyboard or controller to your device.
- Hold on for a few more moments, and you should directly enter the diamond casino heist mission. This will allow you to bypass the bug that had been causing the black screen glitch.
After following the instructions given above, you will be able to move through the prep missions without facing any significant problems. A trick very much like this one can also be used to bypass the extremely tedious loading times while beginning the game in GTA online.
That is it for now. We hope this guide helps you fix the black screen glitch during the diamond casino heist in GTA online. If you liked this guide, do remember to check out our other windows guides, gaming guides, social media guides, iphone guides, and android guides to read more. If you have any queries or suggestions, comment down with your name along with the email ID, and we will reply shortly. Also, subscribe to our youtube channel to watch awesome videos on gaming and smartphone tips and tricks. Thank you.
About anubhav roy
Anubhav roy is a computer science engineering student who has tremendous interest in the world of computer, android, and other things happening around the information and technology world. He is trained in machine learning, data science and is a programmer in python language with django framework.
GTA V online guide: the diamond casino heist – scope out, walkthrough, trailer, missions, crew & everything else you need to know
Heists are the most beloved part of the online game modes, so let’s check out the latest online update!
GTA V online is one of the most played online modes of any video game, and they had a record-breaking week in early january.
Rockstar games has poured it’s heart and soul into the constant supply of updates that keep the game alive in the build-up to GTA 6.
Released just over a month ago, the diamond casino heist is one of the best instalments in what is now a long series of heists for online players.
Let’s take a look at the complete guide to everything you need to know about the latest heist in GTA V online!
NOW WATCH BELOW: the official trailer for the diamond casino heist
What is it?
This brand new heist addition to GTA V online is another one in the long-running saga of heists being added throughout the life span of GTA V online.
The latest one plays hand-in-hand with the diamond casino update rockstar games implemented sometime during july 2019.
Before this update, players were able to work with the staff, gamble, bet, buy penthouses and do whatever they would please in the casino, besides rob it.
But now, players will be able to directly rob the casino, as any good criminal would do!
How to complete the heist
With any heist in the GTA series, each one can be done in multiple varieties of ways and each has its own pros and cons.
We will go over the steps you are going to need to take if you choose a certain way of completing the heist as well as the points of entry you can take into the casino.
There are six points of entry into the casino and they are listed below:
- Main door
- Side door
- Roof terrace
- Security tunnel
- Sewer
- Roof
Which one will you choose? Next up we list the different approaches you can take to complete the heist.
Aggressive, big con or silent and sneaky?
There are three different ways to enter the casino heist – the first two, aggressive and silent and sneaky, are pretty self-explanatory. Big con will mean you are going to heist in disguise and sneak through the hotel.
The set-up missions for each are listed below and the optional missions as well:
- Get unmarked weapons
- Find getaway vehicles
- Acquire hacking device
- Acquire vault keycards
- Get thermal charges
- Get vault explosives
- Scout patrol routes
- Disrupt duggan shipments
- Acquire security intel
- Get power drills
- Get security passes
- Acquire masks
- Find reinforced armor
Silent and sneaky
- Get unmarked weapons
- Find getaway vehicles
- Acquire a hacking device
- Get vault keycards
- Acquire a nano drone
- Find vault laser
Big con
- Get unmarked weapons
- Find getaway vehicles
- Find a hacking device
- Acquire vault keycards
- Get your entry disguise
- Get vault drills
- Scout patrol routes
- Disrupt duggan shipments
- Acquire security intel
- Get power drills
- Get security passes
- Acquire masks
- Find an exit disguise
Your crew
Of course, you cannot do a heist all by yourself so you are going to need a crew to help you rob the casino.
During this heist, your crew will consist of a gunman, driver, and hacker. The latter is one of the most important roles for this heist, as the higher the skill of the hacker the more time you are going to have within the vault which equals more money.
The more skilled your crew is the bigger the cuts they are going to demand and in turn, will lead to less payout for yourself, so choose wisely.
GTA online: how to avoid guards not moving in casino heist glitch
Grand theft auto online players have been left frustrated by a glitch in the diamond casino heist where guards before frozen and it becomes pretty difficult to sneak by them. Here’s how you can solve that.
The diamond casino heist was added to GTA online back in december of 2019, as fans finally got their long sought after wish. Since then, players have been busting into the vault in a number of different ways and taking home a huge score.
One of the best ways to get things done is by going silent and sneaky. After all, you can avoid fighting the hordes of security guards by taking this heist approach.
However, players have been running into an issue where, in certain situations, these guards will become frozen. This means you can’t sneak by them as normal, and it pretty much ruins the sneaky aspect of the heist.
Rockstar games there can be a tonne of different things inside the vault.
Yet, one player – reddit user ytfatguygaming – has found a way to get around the frozen guards that have decided to abandon their patrols.
According to the redditor, your best bet is to quickly take down some of them, but not all of them. The ones that you don’t fight can trigger a bigger problem like the game saying that a body is found and more guards come your way.
If you follow the steps given by ytfatguygaming below, you should be able to get around the annoying frozen guard glitch without a hitch.
- First guard: don’t do anything. If you shoot him through the double doors, the game will glitch.
- Stairs guard: pop around the corner and quickly shoot him down.
- Guard in the security checkpoint: go through the set of double doors to the right, shoot the two guards behind the desk, then turn left and shoot the guard.
- Two guards in the security checkpoint coming out of mantrap: leave them alone.
- Staff lobby guard: he will be glitched to the right of the security office, so exit the office on the left and make your way to the staff lobby door.
Of course, these tips only work if your silent and sneaky heist falls to the frozen guard glitch. Though, players have also noted that it is a problem with the big con heist approach too.
Rockstar have recently rolled out patches fixing glitches and other bugs – with the most notable being the god mode and money exploit. So, we’ll just have to wait and see as to whether or not they’ve got a more permanent solution for this issue.
So, let's see, what we have: unfortunately, quite a few players have faced technical issues – including an infamous "black screen glitch" - when preparing to loot the diamond casino. At casino heist vault explosives glitch
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